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Second hand kit donations required

Second hand kit donations required

Ray Bell2 Sep 2014 - 15:39
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As a fundraiser for the section we are organising a second hand kit stall, the collection for which takes place this Sunday.

If you have any mini or junior rugby kit that you no longer need and is still in decent nick, we'd really appreciate it being donated to our second hand kit stall. Not only will it help de-clutter those kit bags, hallways, porches and utility rooms(!) any proceeds go towards a fundraiser for the M&J section...

A collection of donated kit will take place THIS SUNDAY 7th September at training. There will be a collection box placed near the outside bar or alternatively please pass your donations to one of our parent voluteers on the day.

The actual kit stall will take place on the 14th September with a follow up on the 21st if there is any stock remaining.

Please note that the club shop will also be open and look out for the launch of our new online shop!

Thanks for your support

Ray Bell
U11s Coach

Further reading